Both you and the computer have 6 "Holes" or "Pits" on your perspective side
Each pit starts with 4 marbles
The colors of the marbles do not mean anything
Both players are given a "goal" or a "Mancala" to the right of board.
The goal is to collect as many marbles in your "goal" by the end of the game
The game starts with you (Player) choosing a "pit" in order to grab all of your marbles
Moving counter-clockwise, you place of stone in your hand into each pocket until the stones run out
If you run into your own Mancala (goal), deposit one piece in it. If you run into the computer's Mancala, skip it and continue moving to the next pocket.
Consistenly aim to place as many marbles as you can in your goal
If you drop the last marbel (in your hand) into the goal, play again
The game ends when all six pockets on one side of the Mancala board are empty (Computer side or Player side)
The currnet player who still has pieces on their side of the board when the game ends captures all of those pieces.
Count all the pieces in each Mancala
The winner is the player with the most pieces